Geico is a world leader in the design and construction of turnkey automated auto body paintshops.

from Energy Independence Day to Sustainable Paintshop

With the Pardis Project, launched in 2005, Geico was the world’s first company to offer a zero environmental impact paintshop, reducing consumption by 70%. The target date set for Energy Independence Day (June 16, 2020), was achieved 3 years ahead of schedule, in 2017.

However, we did not stop there!

Our new challenge for 2030 is the Sustainable Paintshop, i.e. the creation of a sustainable plant with a circular approach, that is self-sufficient in energy and carbon-neutral.

What is the first step in the realisation of this important project? CO2-Free Day by 2027.


The Smart Paintshop revolutionizes auto body paintshops with innovative and energy-efficient 4.0 technologies.

It received the SurCar Cannes Innovation Award for best research and innovation worldwide.

Environmental, Social & Governance

Respect, responsibility and trust are the foundations of our corporate culture.

Geico’s active engagement in the community is written into our corporate DNA, and plays a decisive role in the development of individuals and the improvement of the surrounding environment.


Change and innovation are our starting points for the development of cutting-edge technological solutions.

The Pardis Innovation Centre

Geico’s Pardis Innovation Centre is the auto body painting industry’s most important worldwide research and development center. It spearheads all the Group’s efforts, and has received numerous domestic and international awards.

3,600 m2 of area, with over 40 working prototypes that make use of renewable energy technologies.